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The Pathway To Eternal Life

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My physical body says ‘This journey called life is just too daunting for me.’

My feet says ‘I am too tired to carry on marching ahead in the midst of all these challenges.’

My heart says ‘We must keep going for this world is not our home.’

‘My home is in heaven and I must get there’ says my spirit. ‘Fear not’ says my soul! ‘You are not travelling alone, The Shepherd of life is with you Holding you by His arms Leading you by His grace’ ‘He is the only pathway to eternal life and His name is Jesus Christ’ says my Maker.

'As long as I keep following Christ’ says my entire being:

I will find comfort in the midst of discomfort Relief in the midst of distress Peace in the midst of anxiety Hope in the midst of my challenges Strength in the midst of my weakness Joy in the midst of sadness

Light in the midst of darkness Courage in the midst of fear.

‘Stick to this pathway of life’ says my mind.

‘It is the only pathway of assured victory’ says my spirit. ‘I will gladly follow Christ to the end’ says my soul!

 For in Christ alone, I am destined to win all battles and guaranteed to reach my heavenly destination of eternal glory! Amen.

K2_PUBLISHED_ON 03.11.2014


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Welcome to Encouraged by God.

Encouraged by God is website dedicated to inspiring and encouraging people across the world with inspiring, Christian articles, Inspirational Christian Messages, Holy Spirit Led Christian Prayers, Christian teachings, Christian audio messages, Christian video messages, Holy Spirit led teachings and encouraging people to be enlightened and encouraged by God's Word through thought provoking articles.

Encouraged by God is Pastor Olabisi's blog site where she posts encouraging articles, that will encourage, inspire, increase and strengthen your faith. Following a Holy Spirit encounter in 2004, Pastor Olabisi became founder and senior pastor of Freedom House International Ministries: www.fhim.org.uk.  She is also CEO of Divine Grace Enterprises Limited: www.divinegracepublishing.com, a Christian publishing company dedicated to Christian book publishing, flyer designs, logos and other kingdom glorifying designs and print work.

Further to her initial deliverance experience in the early part of year 2004, Pastor Olabisi had another stunning ‘open vision’ encounter of heaven and hell in the latter part of year 2004. Her amazing extended vision of heaven and hell now form the contents of her other popular book entitled Hell on Earth: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hell-Earth-Olabisi-Obideyi/dp/1466473886/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447432032&sr=8-1&keywords=olabisi+obideyi

The combination of her experiences has further strengthened her passion to spread the Good News of Christ’s deliverance powers across the world using all available avenues including television, radio, Internet and also through her Holy Spirit-inspired writings. Pastor Olabisi holds an LLB (hons) degree in law.

You can find out more about the various arms of Pastor Olabisi's ministries at her personal website www.pastorolabisi.com

If you are a Christian writer and would like to contribute your cjarticles to encouragedbtgod.com then please get in touch!

K2_PUBLISHED_ON 31.10.2014


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Hell on Earth
By: Olabisi Obideyi

End Times Global World
By: Olabisi Obideyi

From Captivity to Freedom House
By: Olabisi Obideyi

Holy Spirit Led Prayers
By: Olabisi Obideyi


Kindle eBooks

"Son you can't quit"
By: Olabisi Obideyi

The Father's Business
By: Olabisi Obideyi

The Plight of Christian Authors
By: Olabisi Obideyi

My journey from darkness to light
By: Olabisi Obideyi

It Is Time To Be a Church without Walls
By: Olabisi Obideyi

K2_PUBLISHED_ON 01.04.2011

Welcome to Encouraged by God

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In a world full of daily struggles and challenges, we all need encouragement to continue serving our God given purpose in life. The source of my daily encouragement is God's Holy Spirit and His living Word in the Bible. Through inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the encouragement I derived from the Word, I am daily enabled to carry on serving my God given purpose in life no matter how discouraging the circumstances I end up facing.

At Encouraged By God, our aims are to inspire, encourage and enlighten people through Holy Spirit inspired articles, sharing the Word of God, uplifting testimonies, etc,. By signing up with us today and contributing your own Godly inspired writing you can gain instant exposure for your work and at the same you will be helping us to better achieve our overall aims of:

  • Helping believers across the globe to cultivate and maintain a daily meaningful relationship with God through inspiring articles, life changing stories, sharing the Word, and much more
  • Encouraging believers to remain kingdom minded and not worldly oriented
  • Leading unbelievers to Christ through sharing the undiluted Word so they can be born again and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit of God
  • Propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the globe through Holy Spirit inspired writings

I hope you will sign up and open a free writers account with us today and become part of our Christian writers team that are helping us daily to advance the Kingdom of God to the end of the world with their writing gifts.

Thank you for visiting Encouraged by God and always remain encouraged by the love of God for you.