The Pathway To Eternal Life
My physical body says ‘This journey called life is just too daunting for me.’
My feet says ‘I am too tired to carry on marching ahead in the midst of all these challenges.’
My heart says ‘We must keep going for this world is not our home.’
‘My home is in heaven and I must get there’ says my spirit. ‘Fear not’ says my soul! ‘You are not travelling alone, The Shepherd of life is with you Holding you by His arms Leading you by His grace’ ‘He is the only pathway to eternal life and His name is Jesus Christ’ says my Maker.
'As long as I keep following Christ’ says my entire being:
I will find comfort in the midst of discomfort Relief in the midst of distress Peace in the midst of anxiety Hope in the midst of my challenges Strength in the midst of my weakness Joy in the midst of sadness
Light in the midst of darkness Courage in the midst of fear.
‘Stick to this pathway of life’ says my mind.
‘It is the only pathway of assured victory’ says my spirit. ‘I will gladly follow Christ to the end’ says my soul!
For in Christ alone, I am destined to win all battles and guaranteed to reach my heavenly destination of eternal glory! Amen.

Pastor Olabisi
Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.
She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.
Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.