
Teach Us To Number Our Days

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Teach Us To Number Our Days

The year 2007 was quite a pivotal year in my life that brought about a paradigm shift to the understanding of what you are about to read. I am a trained nurse and was working in a good position that was very well paid. I owned my own property and car. I travelled to America, Africa and Europe as and when I wanted. I was considered by many as a pace setter. I was also a Christian and a cell group leader.

In terms of society’s definition of success, I qualified. However even though I was Christian I was not making spiritual progress. I attended church and was involved in teaching sometimes and doing some good social activities but was more focused on making it in the natural world than living for my Royal PURPOSE. Even though I knew that one day I would stand before God to give an account of my life, I had not given much thought to the fact that the account God will expect me to give Him must be aligned with what He called me to do, and not what I choose to do. Like many I lived oblivious to the fact that our time on earth is measured and limited, until 2007 when the LORD in His mercy arranged the right circumstances to give me the experience I needed for revelation.

In Psalms 90 Moses writes a prayer centred on the length of life and our stewardship of time. In it Moses compares the life of man to grass that withers, and to God who is from everlasting to everlasting. Moses had led the children of Israel out of Egypt and spent 40 years in the wilderness due to the fear in the hearts of the people that prevented them from going in to possess the land when God had commanded them to do so. It is here that Moses cried out to the Lord: “So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom ”. This is an important prayer that each believer needs to pray. You may ask, why do we need to be taught to number our days? It is because TIME IS MEASURED, and man will not live on this earth forever. Since time is measured, you need to know how to use it profitably; and to do so, you need wisdom and understanding to know what profits and what does not, as well as how, when and where it profits or not. Everyone on earth has a time set for their exit just like they had a time set for their birth. (Eccles 3:2)

Time on earth is ultimately for one main Purpose and that is to find the Kingdom of God, get established in it and to tell others about it. Basically, to find the Kingdom, you must be born again and that is just the beginning of the journey. It ends with us returning to the Creator to give an account of what we did during our measured time on earth. From the time of birth till death there is work everyone must carry out that was pre-planned specifically for them. Not only was it pre-planned, but every individual has been equipped to accomplish this work; and this is the work for which each of us is required to give an account to God. The Preacher writes that our purpose has a time and a season. In Psalm 90 again we see Moses praying “And let the beauty of the LORD confirm and establish the work of our hands”. Again, you may ask, why would you need the work of your hands established? The simple answer is IN ORDER NOT TO SUFFER LOSS.

The dictionary defines the word establish as ‘set something up on a firm or permanent basis’, ‘make something or someone acceptable or recognised’ or ‘show something to be true -to prove’. You need to live with wisdom to be established on a firm, permanent foundation of the LORD and for HIM to make you acceptable to the Father. It is only the works that are proved to be profitable to eternity that will be established permanently. This calls for each to ask for a heart of wisdom and understanding to know which works are futile or vain - useless, ineffective, unsuccessful, abortive and unproductive’.

Since coming into this understanding, I sought God to reveal what it is He has written concerning me that am supposed to do in this measured time. I also asked for righteous alignment, so I would do the right thing at the right time in the right place with the right motives, and for and with the right people to get the right results. It is important for each of us to know what we are on earth for. By His Grace I was led to the church where I serve today, which opened a mission door for me. I now use my gifts daily at work and wherever the need arises, I help believers to shift focus from their problems to their Purpose, and non-believers to realise their mortality and urgent need for salvation through Jesus Christ.

If you are reading this and wondering where to start I encourage you to humbly seek God to show you what your unique Purpose is and for Him to righteously align you to serve it. Avoid doing things just because everyone else is. Start paying attention to your heart’s motives and intents for doing and getting involved in different activities. Learn to be content to avoid vain pursuits. Be honest. Let your decisions and values be determined by the Word and what pleases God instead of what is socially acceptable or what will make you fit in. As a mother raising your children what has God said concerning your children? That should be your blueprint for raising them as children of destiny rather than using them as trophies in trying to keep up with the Joneses. Teach your children to know God from a young age and be real with them regarding spiritual things. Do not judge people or anything by what it looks like on the outside but always check it out in the spirit because that is where its true nature can be revealed.

Life is short, and time is measured and the day of accounting will come; it is critical for each one to ask and allow God to teach you, to manage well the time you have on earth so you can live effectively and make spiritual impact by serving your Purpose according to God’s leading and bearing fruit that causes the Father to be glorified and will last into eternity.

Read 3025 times Last modified on 31.10.2017
Pastor Jacque Bweyame

Pastor Jacque Bweyame is a passionate savant of God who is always readily willing to serve in the vineyard of God to the glory of God. Pastor Bweyame is a nurse by profession and with a big caring heart, she is always dedicated to reaching out and supporting those that are in need. She is an active member of our international mission work projects, and she has been on several missions abroad. Pastor Bweyame’s priority in life is to reach out and continually populate the Kingdom of God with plentiful harvests to the glory of God.

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