
Faith is an Action

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Faith is an Action

Faith requires an action. Having your back is against the wall and everything suggesting there is no way forward brings to mind the the red sea situation of the Israelites coming out of Egypt. They had smelt freedom yet there stood the red sea in front of them and behold the Egyptian soldiers in hot pursuit behind them.

What they did not know however was the significance of God's presence with them. He was a Pillar of smoke in the day time and a Pillar of Fire at night time creating a covering and a defence for the children of Israel. This Shield meant that the Egyptian although in hot pursuit, could not see them neither were they going to be able to break God’s defence line. He is the Man of War and knows the best battle strategy.

Faith is an Action When you find yourself at the red sea position there a tendency of wanting to cry out, why me or like the children of Israel playing the blame game. When Moses was worried about if the people will believe that God sent him, the Lord asked him one very intereting question. What have you got in your hand? God had armed Moses with a Rod when he gave him the assignment to go back to Egypt to deliver His people. So God had to remind Moses about what he was holding. He had in his hand a staff of Authority. Let me stated strongly here that, Authority is useless it is exercised and faith without works is dead.

Hear what God said to Moses when they were faced with the Red Sea in Exodus 14:15-16 "And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea". Behold, the Lord had already made a way when He put the Rod in Moses' hands and already demonstrated His Power to confirm that He was with him. At the Red Sea barrier Moses called into rememberance the Salvation Power of the Lord. "And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace". Moses had to put his faith to action - he stretched forth his hand, and the sea parted revealing a way in the midst of the sea for the children of Israel to cross over from the land of their captivity towards freedom.

Beloved, whatever situation seems to have your back against the wall or between the devil and the deep blue sea like they say, remember God has your back as your Defence. He also expects you to work in partnership with Him by putting your faith to action.

Speak life over that situation in your life that is causing you sleepless nights. Send out those CV to get the job you want. Seek expert advice for that business. Read the Word of God - Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God. Fellowship with the Lord for Spiritual growth. Above all seek God concerning all your endeavours. You need to give the Lord something to work with and trust Him to fight for you and you will hold your peace.

James 2:26

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also"

Take that first step in faith because, Faith is an Action!

Blessings Pastor Joyce

Read 3059 times Last modified on 12.10.2017
Pastor Joyce

Pastor Joyce is a distinctly vibrant and passionate preacher of the Word of God in its undiluted form. In her unique way, this God fearing woman of God is committed to reaching out and impacting lives wherever she goes to the glory of God. Pastor Joyce is a lover of God, a graduate of Law (LLB Hon) and is an inspiring writer of many Christian Articles. She is a Fiery Faith Believer in the Healing Power of the Blood of Jesus and testifies. Her passion is to spread the Gospel of Jesus to the ends of the world sharing the love of God and has been on several missions abroad over the years. Pastor Joyce currently sits as Chairperson of the Board of Trustee and a joint coordinator of our evangelism outreach work. Her ultimate goal is to serve God in spirit and truth, also fulfil her purpose of yielding a great harvest for the Kingdom of God and to His glory.