
Pray Againsr Sickness

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Pray against Sickness Heavenly Father,

I pray against sickness and I exercise your dominion authority over every spirit of infirmity. I nullify every wicked dart of sicknesses and illnesses that the enemy can possibility use to attack me in any form or shape. I pray against sickness, and I destroy any sickness plan the enemy could possibly have against me. I decree and declare that no weapon of sickness or illnesses fashioned or formed against me by any spirit of infirmity shall prosper. I pray against sickness of the heart. I pray against sickness of the soul. I pray against sickness of the body. I pray against sickness spirits coming near my family. I reduce to nothing every spiritual agenda of sickness the forces of darkness can possibly have against me and my family!

I pray against sickness of the mind. I declare and decree that I have overcome every spirit of depression in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I render useless any plan of depression, compression or suppression the forces of darkness can possibly have to attack my mind with. I declare and decree by Holy Ghost authority, power and dominion that I am of a sound mind. I cast down every imaginations and bind everything aiming to exalt itself against the sound knowledge God has given me.

I consume with Holy Ghost fire every thoughts that wicked spirits can possibly target at my mind to confuse or depress me. I decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that my entire being shall manifest the healing power of Christ Jesus in all aspects of my existence.

I soak myself in the atonement blood of Jesus Christ, and I decree in the mighty name of Jesus that no evil forces of sickness shall overcome me. I pray against every sickness weapon of the enemy. I rebuke every general illnesses plan the devils can possibly have against me or any member of my family. I engulf the camp of infirmity spirits with Holy Ghost fire. I consume every evil and wicked power of illnesses with the fire of the Holy Ghost.

I pray against sickness in my coming and going. I pray against any form of sickness coming near my home or anywhere near my vicinity. I claim my healing potion against every sickness, infirmity and illnesses in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I declare by the power and holy authority of the Holy Ghost that no illnesses spirit or sickness attack from the enemy shall prevail against me in Jesus’s mighty name.

I confess Jesus Christ as my infinite Healer, and by His holy stripes and mighty authority, I declare that I am totally healed from every sickness and illnesses. I render every satanic sickness power the occult can possibly use against me useless. I rebuke every spiritual foundation of sickness, and I command every infirmities spirit to bow down right now to the authority that is in the name of Jesus Christ.

I pray against sickness in any form or shape. I say with confidence that I am the healed of the LORD Jesus Christ. I cover myself and family with Christ’s precious holy blood, and I declare by His holy might and righteousness dominion authority that it shall continue to be well with me and my family in all dominion, dimensional realms. I release the judgement fire of the Holy Ghost upon every stubborn spirit of sickness and illnesses. I forbid by the authority of the Holy Ghost any reoccurrence of sickness in my life. I claim immunity for me and for my family against every form of sicknesses with the atonement blood of Jesus Christ. I declare that we carry the mark of Christ therefore, let no infirmities spirits ever trouble us!

In Jesus holy name and by His righteous authority I have decreed and declared! Amen.

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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.