
Financial Struggles

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Financial struggles is a common thing faced by believers in today’s end times world of endless financial struggles. In the presence of high unemployment combined with the terrible financial persecution faced by believers in this pharaohic financial system end times word, the question is: How can we as believers rise above our financial struggles and fulfil our purpose to the glory of God? The true desire of a genuine believer is to reach out, impact lives and be a blessing to others for the kingdom glory. The truth however is, that in the absence of proper financial means and support, it can be quite a challenge rising above our own natural survival needs struggles and fulfil our desired kingdom advancement purpose.

Whether or not we admit it, the one thing we harbour in our hearts is to have the kind of financial surplus that will place us well above the world’s financial struggles arena. The financial problem many are faced with however, is not just to do with the lack of financial surplus. Rather, it is to do with not even having the financial means to meet the common bill paying obligations.

The immense financial struggles that many people are facing in the Christian arena has turned the church arena into an arena of survival of the fittest. People are daily busy juggling their finances up and down, and in their desperate attempt to fend off creditors, many are constantly having to rob Peter to pay Paul. The heavy cross of financial struggles is a cross that many people in the church arena are barely bearing. Due to ongoing extreme financial pressure, the ears of many have become deafened to the truth and many are like never before aggressively determined to have their personal financial breakthrough any how possible!

The financial struggles faced by people in the church arena has also in turn opened the door wide for Satan the deceiver (who is also the perpetrator of the problem), to deceive people through his cohorts with their fake promises of financial breakthrough. Unfortunately, due to the financial pressures that people are under, many has fallen victim to Satan’s cohorts ploy of ‘sow your monetary seed’ for a guaranteed financial breakthrough!

The vanity preachers in Satan’s camp are constantly busy feeding their insatiable vanity hunger through baiting people with false promises of financial breakthrough. The aggressive quest for personal financial breakthrough has led many to go deep into the devouring lion’s den in search for financial breakthrough. The terrible financial situation that people are in have blinded their eyes from seeing that they are not in actual fact sowing into God’s work, but into the bosom of vanity preachers.

The vanity preachers of Satan who are busy masquerading themselves as righteous saints of God have caused great distress to many covetous hearted ‘seed sower’ in the church arena. Through their cunningly divisive ways, the cohorts of Satan who are busy masquerading themselves as saints of God in the Church arena, are endlessly busy deceiving many people to part with their little cash to line their own fat pockets. Some of the people they have deceived has not only ostracize themselves from the Church, but also busy blaming God for the disappointment they have suffered from acting on the guaranteed financial breakthrough promises of the vanity preachers.

The adverse effect that the natural world financial struggles is having on people’s health, relationship and spiritual life in general cannot be overemphasised. Relationship breakdown linked to money problems is on the high increase and money worries is at the heart of some of the health issues that people are suffering from. On the spiritual front, many professed believers due to money problems have become selfish hearted and hardened to the truth. Some are desperately bent on attaining their financial breakthrough with a heart full of covetousness. Due to the ‘what is in it for me’ syndrome, many professed Christians are no longer prepared to sow into God’s work simply as a matter of obedience to God, but only in the selfish mind-set of ‘what is in it for me’.

The truth of course is that we are saved to empower others. The question however is how are we going to be able to fulfil our purpose of empowering others, if we are allowing our financial challenges to get the best side of us? Whilst I fully concur to the fact that, focusing and concentring on financing our kingdom objectives amidst serious financial limitations and endless disappointing outcomes can be quite a challenge. However, it is important that we do not allow our love for the things of God to wax cold due to the financial challenges we are facing in this world.

In a world whereby everything is now merchandised and given a price label with the result being that only those with the monetary means have the power to purchase, it is obvious to see why the majority of the worry that people have is linked to money issues. Money worries, which is at the heart of financial struggles spins the mind to constantly worry about finding the solutions and a permanent way out from the financial maze that we find ourselves battling to come out from. Rising above our financial struggles amidst clogged up worrying thoughts takes the grace God. Without the grace of God, it is ordinarily impossible to focus on anything whatsoever let alone effectively function and do the things of God full of righteous zeal and passion amidst our money worries situations.

Our ability to reach out to others amidst our own daunting personal survival struggles is in itself proof that our spirit man is functioning in the effectual power of the Holy Spirit. Ordinarily speaking, it is indeed difficult to think beyond ourselves in the midst of our challenges. But, by the very special grace of God we can indeed rise above our own financial struggles, reach out to others and fulfil our purpose of empowering the spiritually powerless to the glory of our heavenly Father.


We Can Do All Things through Christ Jesus


"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me". ~Philipians 4:13
This journey called life that we are in is indeed a long distance huddle race, but through Christ Jesus, I truly believe will overcome all hurdle and continually remain more than conquerors to the glory of our God.

No matter how tough the financial situation you are in today, it is important that you do not allow the situation to derail you from the righteous path of faith. In the midst of it all, God may not furnish us our wants in the measure that we expect it at the time we want it, but He will surely supply all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ. Remain steadfastly faithful in all things and don’t let your financial struggles lead you away from Christ—the only righteous path that leads to eternal riches and everlasting glory in the eternal life kingdom of God!


My Prayer for Us All I pray the Lord relief us all of our human burdens.   I pray He will make way for us all and change our story line from financial challenges to financial surpluses in Jesus name. I pray He will renew our strength daily. I pray He will keep empowering and enabling us to do His will. I pray He will make way for us all to have a better tomorrow.

I pray He will keep us hopeful in Him in our hopeless situations. I pray His joy will remain our strength. I pray He keeps us in memory of His divine love for us and in good memory of His divine love, I pray we will remain in good cheer. I pray all things will continue to work together for our good. I pray His grace, mercies and abundant favour continually follow us all the days of our lives. I pray only His perfect will shall remain done in all our lives now and forever. Amen.

Remain in good cheer and trust in God that He will somehow always make a way where there seem to be none.

Much love of Christ from me to you.


2 Corinthians 4:5-11

“For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.”


Read 1972 times
Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.