
It Is Time To Step Out Of Flesh Comfort Zone!

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When we hear especially people we consider as men and women of God say to us 'your time has come" it is like music to our ears. We are immediately all excited because to the human ears, 'your time has come' from someone that we consider to be a true savant of God can only mean that the time has come for us to have everything we've been waiting on God for. In God's own perspective however, when your time comes it means it is time for you to leave your flesh comfort zone and step forward into the spiritual frontline and begin fulfilling His predestined  supernatural assignment for your life. Unfortunately, several people today no longer consider being called by God as meaning operating by the supernatural and not dwelling in the things of the natural, which of course is not an easy thing for us to do as natural human beings. Operating by the supernatural Will of God involves making all necessary natural sacrifices out of a selfless and not selfish heart for the sake of God's glory and not for the sake of our vainglory. 

The only way we can truly serve God for His glory sake is to desire to obey God, purely for His eternal life rewards for our souls and not just for the perishable things we see as benefit perks that we believe is worthy for a 'man or woman' of God to have. God's calling upon our lives is not for the sake of having all the perishable things of this temporary world but for the sake of inheriting His everlasting kingdom. However, from seeing all the glitz and glamour that are being showcased by end times believed 'men and women' of God,  most people these days mainly see the life of a 'man or woman of God' as a life of luxuries  and simply can't wait to be called by God so they too can have their own private jets and big mansions. Although God is indeed all for blessing us in all realms according to His own measure as long as we walk in obedience towards Him, He clearly does not desire for us to only seek Him simply for the sake of supplying us all our here and now worldly fleshy wants and desires. 

The fact of the matter is, when God calls us, He is indeed calling us to die to our flesh and step forward into spiritual warfront frontline and, by His dominion power and authority fish out the lost souls that are stubbornly  kept in the deep sea of sin by the spiritual pharaohs and babylonian dark forces of evil. To be at the frontline of spiritual warfront is clearly not an easy life under any circumstances. And I wonder how many people will still be readily willing to be used by God if they understand that being a savant of God actually involves making serious sacrifices as well as being on the firing line all the time and not necessarily living a natural world luxurious lifestyle as many has been led to believe! 

The fact of the matter is, serving your Godly purpose requires making sacrifices for the glory of God and not for the glory of your flesh. And the time you will begin to serve your purpose is at the point when you are readily willing to let go of your flesh desires and let God's desires for your life prevail. As detailed in the Bible, when Abraham's time came, he had to leave his folks and everything he was used to all his life behind in order to enter into a relationship journey with God. When Moses's time came he had to leave his comfort zone in Midian and return back to Egypt to fulfil God's assignment for His life. When Joshua's time came, he had to step into Moses's leadership shoes to fulfil God's assignment for his life, which is to lead the people of God to the Promise Land of Canaan. When Gideon's time came, he had to fulfil his God given life assignment, which is to face and battle the Midianites to deliver God's people in line with God's instructions. When Apostle Paul time came, he encountered Christ and Christ changed his name from Saul the Pharisee to Paul the Apostle and placed upon him the weight of glory to proclaim the Gospel not just to Jews but to both Jews and Gentiles. 

Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Joshua, Apostle Paul, Deborah and the likes of them, all fulfilled their assignments in their own time to the glory of God and left behind a Godly legacy that is blessing people from generation to generation. Today, we speak about them as heroes and we enjoy the fruits of their labour and we are benefactors of the sacrifices they all made to the glory of God. 

The question is what will your own legacy be? Are you still waiting on God when God is indeed waiting on you for you to step out of your fleshy comfort zone? Is your mindset all to do with what you want God to do for you for your own vainglory sake?  Are you seeking for God to please you by Him giving you everything you want from Him or seeking to please Him by surrendering your all to His divine Will and allowing His perfect Will for your life to be done irrespective of your natural world circumstances or situation?  Do you see yourself as a blessing candidate beyond the generation that you are in?  Are you ready to let go of all your worldly desires and allow God's heavenly desires for your life to prevail?  Are you ready to stop thinking about yourself and willingly ready to sacrifice your all for the sake of ensuring that others finds salvation in Christ to the glory of God? Are you looking to leave behind a Godly glorifying legacy that will continue to bless people from generation to generation? Are you ready to step out of the world racetrack and step into God's champions league eternal life racetrack? Are you readily prepared to die to your flesh, pick up your cross and follow Jesus to the finishing line? 

Serving our purpose in Christ in this fallen world of sin is of course not ordinarily an easy thing. Many saints have ended up disowned by their families and abandoned by friends simply for choosing to follow Christ. Some have ended up brutally murdered by demonic possessed beings. Indeed, contrary to the luxurious lifestyle that are being showcased by professed prosperity preachers as reward of service to God, several of genuine God's saints on earth are living a life that can be hardly termed as  luxurious in the natural sense. Many are daily subject to extreme trials and tribulations simply because of their dedication towards fulfilling God's mandate of salvation for mankind. And in the midst of their tough challenges, they continue to sacrifice all and function daily in their holy anointing to the glory of God, knowing very well that whatsoever we lose as flesh is indeed a gain in Christ. 

The truth of the matter is that, the only way your spirit man can eternally prosper is not by desiring the things of the world for the sake of feeding the lust of your flesh but by dying to the flesh. The flesh does not profit anyone (John 6:63). To die to flesh and live a righteous life of contentment in Christ is to eternally prosper and gain everything good in all dominion realms. Therefore, chose this day to lay down all your vainglory mind troubling crowns at the feet of Jesus. Surrender all to Him so that He can guide you to follow His righteousness path from beginning to the end and receive from Him at the end of your journey the eternal crown of glory.  Let go of your fleshy ways and let God have His divine ways for the goodness of your soul! 

The truth I must say definitely hurts the flesh but lies kills the soul. The flesh is an enemy of the spirit and the only way the spirit man can thrive is by crucifying our flesh. If you have read this far and you are soul heartedly willing to step out of your flesh comfort zone into flesh discomfort but soul edifying zone for the sake of eternal goodness of your spirit man, then your time really has come for you to shine for the legacy glory of God.  Jesus has finished the work of your redemption on the cross of Calvary. And as long as you are readily willing in your heart and soul to pick up your cross and follow Him to the finishing line, He will surely by His grace and mercies make it all possible for you to shine as a living star in His everlastingly limelight of glory. If Christ who is light be for you, then darkness cannot comprehend or apprehend you. Jesus as the Bright and Morning Star is indeed willing to brighten you and make you shine as His star if you are willingly ready to let go of your flesh. Seek Him with a genuine heart of serving His purpose for your life and not for your worldly wants and desires.   Christ as the All-in-all is more than able to do exceedingly more than you can ever desire of Him and He is indeed always able to make you more than you can ever dream of becoming. 

Shalom to all the saints out there that are daily busy spreading the legacy Word of God to His glory and for the benefit of human souls from generation to generation. 

Philippians 1:21

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."

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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.