
Thank You LORD!

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O LORD God my Provider and Helper! 

I worship You now and forever for who You are and for who You have made me to be. I bless You for Your kindness, love, comfort and endless tender mercies. I glorify Your holy name in the heaven and on earth in this day and forever.


My soul LORD magnifies You and my mind is filled with thoughts of thanksgiving and words of appreciations for You.

O LORD You are my everything

You are my hope of eternal glory

You are the reason why I live

You are the essence of my life

You are O LORD my Alpha and Omega: My beginning and end.


My desire LORD is to honour and glorify You forever and ever. As my Maker, Creator and God, I will worship You forever. As my LORD, I will forever remain submissive to Your holy Will and righteous order. As my everything, I will forever be appreciative and grateful to You for all You have done for me. My passion and zeal are all to do with  fulfilling Your perfect Will for my life. Have Your way oh LORD in me now and forever my God, Maker, holy Redeemer and everlasting King of kings. 


O LORD my Christ and King of glory! Let my ways glorify You and let the meditations of my heart reverence Your holy name. Let my worship and praise be free from all contamination. Let it oh LORD be a sweet savour unto Your nostrils. Let my entire life be unto Your glory and honour and let Your name be forever glorified in my life. 


Direct everything in the heaven and earth oh LORD to continually work together for my good  Let my hope never be met with disappointments. And make me Your everlasting sanctuary of worship and praise. 

Hide me daily oh LORD in Your holy pavilion. Guide and direct me daily to walk in perfect alignment with Your divine Holy Spirit Will. Your face only do I seek in all matters and situations oh LORD my eternal Rock of Ages. My utmost soul desire is to rest and abide in Your holy presence now and everlastingly. Keep me oh LORD forever in Your holy presence so I can eternally praise and worship You in spirit and truth. 


O LORD my God and eternal Prince of Peace!  You are forever my eternal treasure and everlasting Father. I am Your inheritance O LORD my King. I belong to You LORD: Mind, body spirit, heart and soul. And none shall ever separate me from Your holy and perfect divine love. You are oh LORD my everything! And You will forever be my God, Sovereign Ruler and everlasting King of kings. 


My Father and Redeemer! 

I thank You now and forevermore for all You have done for me.

I thank You now and forever for replacing my shame with Your glorious honour.

I thank You for replacing my sin with Your righteousness.

I thank You for replacing my fear with Your divine faith.

I thank You LORD for giving me Your heart to love with.

I thank You LORD for the atonement of my sins.

I thank You LORD for loving me out of the goodness of Your heart.

I thank You LORD for bestowing upon me Your goodness divine glory.

Thank You LORD my Great I AM THAT I AM: My Creator, everlasting Father and lover of my soul. Amen. 


1 Chronicles 16: 8-12 


“Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!


Sing to him, sing praises to him;

tell of all his wondrous works!


Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!


Seek the Lord and his strength;

seek his presence continually!


Remember the wondrous works that he has done, his miracles and the judgments he uttered”





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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.