
Silent Worry With Worship

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Worrying is a common human reaction to negative situations and circumstances. To overcome worries, we must see ourselves as unique beings made by God to be victorious warriors and more than conquerors over our natural circumstances through His grace, power and mercy. 
We can only counteract the emotional  stagnating effects of worry daily by worshipping the living God in spirit and truth. Worship keeps us always in God's presence. And in His presence, worry cannot contend with the joy that praising and worshipping of the LORD gives our inner man soul. 
The natural world as a fallen world is a world that constantly activates oppressing emotions in man due to the endless trials that we end up facing.  And emotions not only imprisons the mind in negative thoughts but also serves as a terrible stumbling block in the way of our spiritual desires to fellowship with God in spirit and truth.  Our only means of deactivating the oppressing effects of emotions is by operating in the supernatural might of God. And the number one evidence that we are in fact operating in God's supernatural might is indeed to do with our unadulterated worship and praise of Him irrespective of our natural world situations. 
Our ability to praise and worship the LORD regardless of our natural world circumstances is in itself concrete evidence and proof that we are operating in His supernatural liberating power and no longer imprisoned or caged to the realm of worldly sorrow. In worship we manifest to the world that the joy of the LORD is indeed our strength. And that by power and might of His supernatural joy, the trials that we face in this world can no longer work to oppress, depress, compress or suppress us from fulfilling our central life purpose, which is to worship our Maker in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). 
Through worship we evidence we are living souls sons of God and not slaves of the sinful darkness regiments. By our worship, we declare our faithful stand for God and we evidence our total surrender to His holy majestic Sovereignty. Through our supernatural joyous praise and worship of the living LORD, we not only override the debilitating weakening effect of emotions but we also throw the obsessive trials focused enemy into a complete state of confusions. The worshipping of God in spirit and truth is indeed a supernatural power manifestation and evidence of who we are in Christ. And it is precisely for this reason that the enemy Satan is deeply afraid of the worship and praise of those who are genuinely the sons of God in Christ.  As a fallen angel who once operated and existed in the full benefits of a true worshipper, Satan fully understands the power of worship and the associated benefits that comes with our worshipping the living God in spirit and truth  (Ezekiel 28:11-19). Most importantly, Satan knows that when we worship God in spirit and truth, we are in fulness  of God's presence and as such it is impossible for him to come near us or contend with us in any form, manner or way. And this is the very reason why he endlessly inundates true worshippers of God with trials to ensure that they focus on worrying and not in worshipping the living God in spirit and truth. 
God remains the only majestic everlasting Sovereign God that must be worshipped irrespective of our natural world situations or circumstances. We worship God because of who He is and not just because of what He can give us in this world or because of what we want Him to do for us or believe He can do for us here and now. God is the Creator of all. And as our Creator, He created us to worship Him alone and to have everlasting peaceful and joyful relationship with Him in His eternal life kingdom. By worshipping God irrespective of our worldly situations and circumstances, we send a clear message to the world that we are not dead in the spirit and not of the world but living souls offspring of Christ the Bright and Morning Star. Our ability to worship God in all seasons of our lives is in itself evidence of sonship in Christ.  And when we operate in Christ's supernatural sonship power, anxiety cannot stagnate us, worry cannot confine us to worldly sorrow and our worldly circumstances cannot halt us  from fulfilling our Godly purpose. 
Today if you are reading this as a redeemed adopted son of God through Christ and you are in one way or another feeling oppressed by worry for whatever reason, my word of awakening for you today is: Arise!  And begin to shine as the light you are meant to be in Christ who is the light of the world (John 8:12). Give the LORD a joyous praise in spirit and truth. And silent all worries from its very darkness foundation source with your holy majestic riotous bright light hallelujah worship and praise of the living God.  
I pray you will remain encouraged daily to continually serve your purpose by His Word and eternal life promises for your soul.  Amen. 
Psalms 59:17
"Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing:
for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy."




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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.