The Rainbow
Walking the dog at 6am this morning and it was good to see, and feel some rain coming down after what's been a warm and muggy time. One of the routes we take to walk the dog goes past the entrance to the school where we meet as a church. It was lovely to see the rain and the sun mixing together to form a rainbow over where we meet!
Although other interest groups are trying to appropriate the rainbow as a symbol of their cause it remains what God gave as a reminder of His promise to us, His wonderful covenant between Himself, mankind and all living creatures!
Genesis 9:12 Then God said, "I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth." Then God said to Noah, "Yes, this rainbow is the sign of the covenant I am confirming with all the creatures on earth."
God has clearly spelled out His promises through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ His Son offers all mankind a better future. What's your response to His promise and offer?
Chris Hall
Chris is married with 2 grown-up children and has been a Christian since 1994. He worships at the Church of God of Prophecy and built this website!