Discernment is simply the ability to tell right from wrong. We can only make the right decisions in all realms of existence and avoid the spiritual consequences of wrong decisions if we are able to see and judge things clearly for what they are and not from a physical blind spot. As believers of Christ, we are meant to always operate by Godly discernment and not through our fleshy inclined feelings of emotions. The devil constantly targets the mind with negative thoughts in order to activate negative emotional feelings. The devil knows that negative emotional feelings is an aspect of weakness shared by man in common. Emotions distorts reasoning and clogs up the thought process. Emotions not only makes us to feel detached from God but it also terribly impairs the mind and adversely affect it from reasoning in alignment with God's perfect Will and desires for our lives. Emotions blinds the eyes from seeing the spiritual evidence. It focuses the eyes primarily on physical evidence, which of course in reality sense is not the whole true picture. The devil as a chief deceiver of course knows for a fact that the physical world is not the real world. The devil also knows that as long as people make decisions based only on what they can physically see, spiritual truth will continue to elude them. The number one priority of the devil therefore is to manipulate physical evidence and deceive people with the manipulated physical evidence to make wrong spiritual judgement and decisions. The devil as a common enemy of mankind does not want people to think there is anything called spiritual realm, which is the real realm let alone believe that God even exist. The wiles of the devil are beyond the human scope of articulations and reasonings. And unfortunately, the devil has through his wicked wiles entrapped many people in the world in spiritual darkness through his evil deceptions!
The world is actually spinning right before our eyes with a spin wheel of lies and deception. And in the midst of all the euphoria that are being created by the spin wheel of lies, it is very unfortunate that people who claim to be believers of Christ and who are meant to be living by faith and not by sight have fallen victim to the regime of sight. The world rhetorics is now what is used and relied upon by many as intelligent statements. The worldly role models have found their ways into the arena of the Church through their forbidden knowledge writings that are masqueraded as high intelligent 'inspirational' quotes or words. The words of man is now preferred over the Word of God. The truth is constantly being manipulated by the agents of Satan that are masquerading themselves as saints of Christ in the so called Christianity arena. There seem to be no ending at sight to the debate of how wide the so called church should open its door to accommodate sin and please the wilful sinner. The truth is twisted to suit individual's empire building mandate, and holiness and righteousness is no longer at the heart of the teachings of the Church. The preferred trend now in the so called church arena is all to do with ministering to people's problems and not to their souls. The struggle for natural world survival and aggressive pursuit of financial breakthroughs has made many to become completely blinded in the spirit and entirely vulnerable to terrible deception. The Church that is meant to impact the world has widely opened its door wide not to call in sinners to repent but for the world to impact the Word and change the Church from being the headquarter of God as Word, to becoming the headquarter of sin and worldliness!
The enemies of Christianity are no longer the official non Christians. But the so called Christians who are in fact officially a non Christian from a spiritual perspective. The people who are now most vocal against the preachers of truth and who are prepared to go out of their way to discourage and rudely tell off a preacher of truth are in fact no longer so to speak 'non Christians.' Rather, they are the people who claim to be Christians but whose ways and actions in reality goes to show that they are in fact not at all of Christ or for Christ, but of the antichrist and for the antichrist. The preachers of truth are labelled as either jealous of so called successful pastors or as some sort of bigots or bitter minded hateful people. The ears have become itchy and many are indeed suffering from the famine of hearing the true Word of God. The need to operate and walk in spiritual discernment is now a strange concept to many so called professed Christians. Many are simply walking by sight and no longer by faith. The truth is no longer seen from God's own divine perspective but subjectively dictated and interpreted by man to suit their own sinful rebellious agenda. The devil is seductively deceiving many to believe they are in control and many indeed are convinced that they are full of so much power therefore unstoppable. The rush to follow and look up to orators of flesh as role models instead of following and looking up to Jesus, increases day by day. Many people are labouring in vain and fulfilling the empire building objective of man in the believe mindset that they are in fact serving in the righteous vineyard of God and advancing His kingdom. The true vineyard of God is in huge shortage of true labourers and the camp of righteous preachers of truth is constantly looking and appearing physically desolate. From a physical perspective it seems as if the rebellious Satan's camp is winning and unstoppable! The truth from a spiritual perspective however is that Satan is for ever a loser and those that follows his rebellious footsteps will only end up as losers!
Jesus is for ever LORD and Satan is for ever a LOSER AND LIAR! Therefore, whilst it might seem from a physical perspective as if Satan is winning, the truth is that Satan has lost his entire battles even before the foundation of the world (Revelation 12:7-12). All his hype is simply to create terrible tension, generate fear and distract people from focusing on what counts most, which is salvation and redemption for eternal life purposes. Today, seek God to open your spiritual eyes of understanding so that you can operate in His power of discernment and clearly see things for what they are and not just follow the crowd blindly! Live by faith and not by sight and always test all spirits. Don't see yourself as 'knowing all' already therefore nothing further to learn. You attitude of 'you already know all there is to know' will only block your ears to knowing what God wants you to learn, see and understand for the sake of your growth and maturity. Ask God daily to order your footsteps and for Him to lead you by His power and auction of His Holy Spirit. You can only grow and mature where God plants you and God will only plant you in His righteous foundation and make you fruitful. Don't just join a church because of what you can physically see or because of your own personal ambitions for breakthroughs and so on. Don't just rely on what a so called man or woman of God says. Test all spirits, get your relationship right with God, and earnestly rely and depend on Him daily to discern for you. I pray the good LORD will help us all in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Pastor Olabisi
Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.
She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.
Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.