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Triumphant Daily In Christ

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Emotions are barriers to our devotions towards God. In order for us to be devotional in fellowship, prayer and worship, we must avoid becoming crippled and stagnated by emotional feelings arising from negative thoughts about the past and fearful thoughts about what tomorrow is likely to bring.

The human mind is a time wanderer and traveller. When it travels to the past, it ends up with regrets. When it travels to the future, it ends up with fear. But when it enters and remains in the innermost sanctuary of the Most High God, our eternal Father and Ancient of Days, it ends up with peace and rest.

Our negative feelings are often dictated by the thoughts that goes on in our subconscious. Our feelings of heavy heartedness are usually due to all manner of worrying thoughts that are going on deep in the subconscious mind. Often times when we unexplainably start to feel moody, low, fed up and tired, it is because of all the rush of negative thoughts that are flooding the subconscious mind. The barrages of negative thoughts gathered in the subconscious usually manifests itself in form of the unexplainable bad moods and irritant feelings that we end up experiencing. The mind as the portal of thoughts is like a busy gateway of jam - packed thoughts and ideas. When negative thoughts floods the mind and settles in it, the mind spins out of control speeding to and fro the galactic milky-way of negative thoughts compressing the heart with heaviness and sorrowful emotions. Unless we apply breaks to the oppressing speed of negative thoughts by exercising Christ dominion power over those thoughts and rise above every negative ride of thoughts going on in our minds, those thoughts will end up gaining deep grounds and becoming a stronghold barrier in the way of  hearing God and doing His Will.

Negative thoughts does not yield any positive outcomes. They depress the mind, oppresses the heart and compresses the body with emotional daunting feelings. Negative thoughts are terrible barriers and obstacles to us having and enjoying a joyous relationship with God. Therefore, it is never an option for you to keep embracing those thoughts, wallowing in them and entertaining them. Emotions are barriers to our devotions towards God. In order for us to be devotional in fellowship, prayer and worship, we must avoid becoming crippled and stagnated by emotional feelings arising from negative thoughts about the past and fearful thoughts about what tomorrow is likely to bring. victory 4

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." ~Matthew 6:34
Each day of our lives comes with its own challenges. And adding the regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow to the burden of the challenges of today, is to end up not enjoying any particular day to the fullest as we are meant to. In order for us to let go of the regrets of the past, rise above the worry of the future and enjoy each day to the glory of God, we need to daily commit our minds and hearts to God (Romans 12:1-2). We need to renew our confidence in God's redeeming love for our souls on a daily basis and not make the mistake of constantly beating up ourselves for our human past mistakes (1 John 3:20). We need to constantly daily understand that God is greater than our minds, hearts, mistakes, human errors, etc. We need to go to God on a daily basis with righteous zeal and full of willingness to enjoy a joyous fellowship with Him. We need to be conscious of our thoughts so, that we can avoid the mistake of subconsciously embracing the negative suggestions of the devil and drowning ourselves in it.  We need to renew our trust in the LORD daily and consistently believe that He is indeed able to make a way for us where there seem to be no way.

We need to consciously choose to enjoy each day of our lives with Christ and not allow the regrets of yesterday and fear of tomorrow hinder us from enjoying every day with Jesus. We need to put our minds and thoughts under checks and balances to ensure that it does not spin out of control through wandering to and fro from between the past and the future. We need to ensure that we allow Christ as the truth to govern our minds daily so that the lies of the devil does not in any way gain grounds in our minds and end up becoming strongholds of lies in the conscious and subconscious inner mind.

As human beings we are spirit beings, and as spirit beings, our mind is often filled with all manner of thoughts both in the conscious and subconscious. And it is only through our consciousness in Christ that we can rise above all the negative thoughts that goes on in the subconscious and consciously take into captivity every thoughts that purports to exalt itself against the knowledge of God and His Word of promises for our lives. By grace and mercy of God, we are in Christ destined to always triumphant over every emotional devises of the devil.

Perhaps for reasons you cannot even begin to explain, you happen to have woken up today feeling emotionally down, compressed, tired, fed up, irritant and extremely moody! Your feelings believe it or not are tied to negative thoughts that are hidden deep in the subconscious. Set those thoughts ablaze and disengage yourself completely from it by surrendering your mind afresh to Christ so that His peace can reign supremely in you. Arise in Christ, and begin to take into captivity every thoughts seeking to deny you the joy of Christ. The joy of the LORD is your strength. Arise in the joy of the LORD and silence the taunting lyrics of regrets playing in your mind. Arise in the authority of Christ, say bygone to yesterday and cast out the fear of tomorrow from your mind. Yesterday is gone forever. And your worry and concerns about tomorrow cannot prevent tomorrow from surfacing. Tomorrow will surely come and pass away into the ages of time. Your today is here now. Choose to enjoy it with Christ Jesus our Ancient of Days!

Christ as the Ancient of Days, stepped out of eternity into time well before this era of time that we are in, to take care of your sinful past and secure you in a perfect eternal life future. Although He has stepped back into eternity, He is still with you in time as the Ancient of Days. As the Alpha and Omega, He is the same Jesus Christ yesterday, to day and forever (Hebrews 13: 8). He is with you each day taking you through each day. He wants you to focus your attention on Him and not on the things the devil is constantly flashing on the face of your mind, and tainting you with to ensure you remain full of regrets and fear. The devil's future is secured in hell. Jesus as LORD and Saviour gave Himself as ransom for your sins whilst you were yet in sins and dead to righteousness. He has indeed finished the work of your salvation to perfection well before you were conceived as flesh to exist in this time.

Christ as Ancient of days did all that He did for you and me in the past to ensure that we do not become a partaker of the judgement that is upon Satan’s head due to his rebellious woeful past. Christ did all that He did on the cross so that you and me does not end up partaking in Satan’s present shame and doomed dead end future. The LORD Jesus perfected the work of our salvation in the past, so we can have and enjoy a present day inner joy and become permanently secured in a covenant of eternal life of joy, peace and rest with our heavenly Father. In Christ, your yesterdays are indeed taken care of and your future is very bright full of the glorious light of God. Therefore, you have no valid reason whatsoever not to enjoy your days with innermost joy.

The stealer of joy is Satan. Today, you can silence Satan by simply thanking and praising Jesus for His perfect finished work of salvation for your soul. Arise in praise and worship. Walk not in the flesh and let your obedience be evidenced through your heart of surrender to Christ. Cast down every imaginations and every thought purporting to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. Place every negative thoughts under arrest and bring them into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Put an end to your pity partying by rising up daily and riotously worship God in spirit and in truth.

Encourage yourself in the Word of God. Let your soul be gladdened in the presence of the Almighty King of kings. Enjoy your day in His presence and don't let fear of tomorrow and regrets of yesterday stand in the way of your joy. Let go of yesterday in your mind.  Trust Christ our Ancient of Days for a better tomorrow. He is indeed able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ever expect. Let the joy of the LORD fill your heart. Sorrow and depression is not your potion in Christ. Sorrow and depression belongs to Satan. Give sorrow and depression to Satan who is the owner of it. Declare your potion in the land of the living. Praise the LORD Jesus in sweetness of heart and in gladness. No matter the outward look of things, always remember that you are daily triumphant in Christ. Therefore, arise daily, shine and be filled with the joy of the LORD. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His innermost court with praises (Psalms 100:4). Rejoice in the LORD and enjoy each day in the presence of the good LORD our Ancient of Days in gladness and in triumphant joy.


I pray that by the special grace of God, you we will continually remain devotional to the righteousness Will of God in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Wishing you a joyous day every day in the presence of our LORD the Ancient of Days! Amen.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled."


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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.