
The wiles of the devil - The Crisis Agenda

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As a champion in Christ, the devils will immensely try you in this world and you will indeed face daunting overwhelming challenges

For the fact that you are called to bear witness and daily testify to the effectual working of the excellency of God's power, you will indeed be truly tried and tested in this world.

The world will hate you because God loves you and you are the apple of His eyes

You will be labeled a hater because you are a lover of righteousness

You will be persecuted by the world because you are a passionate believer of truth

You will be made to appear as a fool because you operate in the knowledge and wisdom of God

The devil will try hard to convince you that you are a nobody because he knows that you are in fact an extremely important somebody in the body of Christ

You will be made to feel insignificant simply because you are significant in Christ

You will be made to appear as if you are permanently disqualified from ever having success in this world because you are already qualified by God to have and enjoy eternal life success as a born again living soul in Christ Jesus

The devil will try hard to convince you that you are at a dead end because he knows that you are indeed operating in the resurrection power of Christ

For the fact that you are already triumphant in Christ, the world will relentlessly bombard you with trials left, right and centre, and you will face extreme tribulations in the world

As a born again new creature in Christ, the devils will endlessly target you with trials tactics and push you beyond the very limit of emotional sufferings in order to make you depart from the righteousness path of obedience towards God, and join the disobedience rebellious worldly gangs. They will unleash all their magic tricks on you, deploy all kinds of crisis strategies for the sake of crippling you from faith action, and they will desperately persecute you by any means possible in order to lure you away from the protective presence of God back into the world where you will be vulnerable and defenceless against their evil attacks.

But in all of these things, if you are in Christ, God the Almighty is on your side. And if God be on your side, all things intended by the devils for your evil can only work together for your good. Jesus Christ is the only LORD in all realms and dominion. As the only true LORD in all realms and dominion, He has already overcome the world. Therefore, be of a good cheer!

In order for your spirit man to become perfectly regenerated and for your soul to be in endless good pleasure for eternity, your flesh, which is the nature of sin must indeed suffer pain and completely die in this fallen world of sin. The pain and permanent decay of your flesh is necessary for the eternal goodness pleasure of your soul. In Christ, your soul is justified and no longer in darkness trials. Your flesh is tried because your spirit man is justified by God, and the trials of your flesh can only work together for the promotion of your spirit and for the perpetual increase of your spirit man in the goodness of the LORD. Therefore, count it indeed all joy that you are tried by the world for righteousness sake and not subject to the wrath of God for unrighteousness sake.

The LORD is the defence of the righteous and in His presence, your spirit man will always be in peace and can never fall into pieces. In your challenges you will increase in His heavenly endless glory championship qualities. Your test will continually work out a life changing, kingdom glorifying testimony. In the midst of your daunting natural trials, your spirit man is daily refined as gold and your soul is being renewed daily, and increasing in the good pleasure of the LORD. As your flesh daily disintegrate into nothing and decays in the midst of your testing situations, your spirit man is continually being transformed into the fulness of the likeness of the image of the living God. In Christ, you remain a winner in all circumstances. And because God's grace is on your side, you cannot suffer shame or disgrace. You are tried for His name sake, and in Christ, you will remain in your trials an overcomer by His graceful mercies to the glory of our living God.

The truth of the matter is, in Christ, your spirit man is always in the good pleasure of the LORD and not in crisis. Your soul is fortified by power of God and your spirit man is shielded and protected by His whole armour light of glory. Therefore, remain in good cheer, and don't fall for the wiles of the devil. The devil is nothing but a terrible stubborn loser, desperate liar and, a cunningly divisive deceiver. The reason why he is focusing all his attention on you is not because you are insignificant. But because he knows for a fact that you are loved by God, justified by His grace, significant in Christ and mandated by the power that is in the blood of justifications of Christ to be of a good success in all realms, dominion and dimensions from eternity to eternity.

As the redeemed in Christ, you remain in all natural situations supernaturally blessed, and highly favoured. You have through Christ become restored to God's dominion of light and have been made to be a shinning light in Christ who is the light of life. You are in Christ a citizen of God's heavenly supernatural kingdom, and a subject of His righteousness kingdom of eternal glory. You are no longer subject to the dominion of sin and darkness cannot comprehend or apprehend you. You are not under crisis but blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ! And in Christ, you have risen above all natural crisis situations, and you are full of His eternal success powers, dominion and authority.

Therefore, Arise! Shine in the light of His glory, throw caution to the wind, and still every stubborn crisis storm with the authority and power that is in the name of Christ. Decontaminate the atmospheric realms from demonic pollutions with the fragrance of your praise! Plague the enemy's camp with confusion with your faith proactive responses, and do not respond with the fear reactive responses the enemy clearly expected you to respond with by targeting you with his crisis divisive tactics. Keep firing and bombarding the enemy's camp by daily unleashing Holy Ghost consuming fire into their spiritual hiding places. Arise daily in prayer and praise, and be bold and confident in the fire power of God. Rejoice and be gladdened daily in your praise of the living God. Stay in your good watch, pray without ceasing and continually express the love of Christ through standing in the gap in prayers for the nations. Rise above crippling emotional crisis by surrendering your all daily to the LORDSHIP of Christ, and with the power of Christ keep reaching out and impacting lives with kingdom glorifying proactive sacrificial work of charity. Do not be ignorant of the wiles and devices of the devil. Live and operate daily by Godly discernment powers and do not make the mistake of falling for the wicked spiritual warfare tactics of the devils.

Keep on praising the LORD in the midst of your painful natural circumstances. Engulf the camp of the enemy daily with the burning furnace of consuming fire that flows from the riotous praise of a true worshipper of the living God, and do not cease firing with your praise and effectual prayers because of your natural life situations. Rise above worry daily with worship, And with your hallelujah praise, continually dismantle every stronghold walls attempting to stand in your spiritual pathway of progress. Keep marching forward to the finishing line and, don't look back. Focus daily on Christ the author and finisher of our faith. In Christ, no crisis mandate of the enemy can cripple or stagnate you from marching forward to the finishing line. If you are truly in Christ, God's goodness and mercies shall surely always rest and abide with you. And by His grace, all things are indeed working together for your good. Keep on marching on the path of His righteousness and don't get derailed because of the temporary trials that your face.

The devils are busy daily desperately persecuting you and bombarding you with trials to ensure you naturally suffer immensely because they know that God's eternal life rewards for your soul for remaining obedient towards Him and for persevering in the midst of your trials are indeed endless and immeasurable. Do not fall victim to Satan's wicked tactics and, forfeit your eternal life permanent rewards because of the temporary things of this fallen world of sinfulness. Keep persevering in the midst of it all of your trials for the sake of manifestations of glory of God in your life, and the eternal reward of goodness for your soul. The sufferings that you are undergoing in this temporary realm of time are indeed nothing compared to the permanent eternal life rewards that awaits you forever in the everlasting kingdom of the living God.

Shalom to all the genuine saints in Christ and wishing you a restful weekend in God's Holy Spirit presence.

Romans 8:18

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

"For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."

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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.