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For With God - Nothing Shall Be Impossible

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Concluding in your heart that your God given task is impossible and giving up on it just because it is proving difficult for you to achieve or because it seems naturally impossible for you to accomplish, is proof of lack of trust and faith in God.  Faith is all about you continuing in righteous actions that are in line with your God given purpose even when it seems as if your actions are unlikely to yield the desired natural outcomes based on the persistent negative natural evidence that you keep seeing. The evidence we are meant to rely on in our walk of faith is in fact not the visibly seen negative ones (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Rather, the evidence we are meant to rely on is the positive spiritual outcome, which God has already established and concluded in our favour in the spirit realm by His supernatural power and expecting us to activate and bring into manifestation in the visible realm at the time appointed by Him through adherence to His faith process (Hebrews 11:1).

Faith is our activation key for bringing the spiritual outcome to the visible realm and hope is what keeps us in line of activation of the established goodness outcome that is already in the spiritual realm. Hope keeps us in vision of the goodness spiritual evidence at all times. And through envisioning the established spiritual good end result, we are able to remain strong and keep on marching forward in the line of faith. Faith does not indeed make things easy. But it keeps us in the righteous plan of God and in the path of all He has already made possible for us to achieve by His supernatural power. Through faith, we deactivate fear which cripples and we activate the spiritually finalised and bring it into manifestation in line with the Will of God. 

Our God given assignment is an assignment of faith. And we evidence faith through our continuous total surrender to God's Sovereign authority irrespective of the natural circumstances or situational outlook of things. If the assignment looks easy to achieve to begin with, then we will have no need for faith. We need faith because although the assignment appears impossible, it is already made possible for us to achieve by faith of God. Therefore, in all situations we must continually evidence our own faith in God by trusting God irrespective of the negative natural pictures that we keep seeing. And as proof of our trust in Him, continually believe that, God is faithful and because He is faithful, He can never let us down no matter what we see in the physical or hope to see and don't see. 

The evidence of God's own faith is Christ. Through Christ, we see that, God standards of faith for us is all to do with us remaining in total continuous obedience to His divine Will in complete selflessness and sacrificial mindset irrespective of the natural situation or circumstances we find ourselves in. Remaining in line of God's faithful standards is only possible if we continually fix our eyes on Christ who is evidence of God's own faith. It is only by fixing our eyes on Christ at all times that, we can remain in vision of the complete goodness outcome God has already achieved for us through Christ's finished work of faith, righteousness and remission for our sins on the cross of Calvary. 

As the redeemed, we are called and saved by grace of God to be benefactors of Christ's finished work. In Christ, we are adopted sons of God through Christ. And as His adopted sons, we are not called by God into labouring works or to be as slaves of some unfinished works (Romans 8:14-17). All works of righteousness and remissions are already fully finished and completed by Christ on the cross of Calvary.  And by reason of the atonement sacrifice He made for us on the cross for the remission of our sins, all things will surely continue to work together for the good of those in Christ no matter the natural situation we can possibly find ourselves in. As joint heirs of God's eternal life kingdom through the Sonship dominion of Christ, we are already fully established in success of eternal life. Therefore, through the success power of Christ and by our continuous total submission to Christ and His divine faith process, we are guaranteed to continue to be full of success in our entire life assignments to the glory of God. 

Our faith and believe in Christ as author and finisher of our faith is indeed proof of our believe in God's own faithfulness. Faith therefore, in this context is only genuine faith and in line with God's standards of faith, if it is a faith centred on continuous trust in God and complete reliance and believe in His Word irrespective of how our natural circumstances and situations makes it appear as if it will never come to pass. In addition, the reliance and trust we have in God, will also only be of a genuine kind if it is based on our soul conviction, that He is faithful and that, His faithfulness and love for us is already proven through His giving us Christ to be the propitiation for our sins (1 John 4:8-11). Christ as evidence of God's faith is also our complete proof, that God's faithfulness standards is all about sacrificial love (Matthew 22:35-40). Operating in the divine loving standards of God is proof that we are in righteousness alignment with Him. 

The divine supernatural power of God, which conquers and overcome all as it is evidenced through Christ is love.  And God as LOVE and His power of love as He has clearly demonstrated for us through the Person of Christ, can never let us down or fail us. The love of God in the form of Christ revealed conquered and overcame all not by physical might or strength but by the sacrificial act of love He demonstrated for us on the cross. 

Faith as God made clear to us through Christ is not about physical conquest through our physical might and power. But all about submitting to God's holiness governing system and power of love in totality as proof of our faithful appreciation of the complete victory He afforded us in all realms through the might and power of His love, that He demonstrated for us in the form of the Person of Christ. Faith in God's standards is all about operating and moving in the power of His love to His utmost glory. And if we are truly in Christ who is evidence of God's love, the natural evidence that are constantly being projected to us by sight cannot stagnated us. And this is simply because, by the evidence of God's love, in the form of the indwelling of His Holy Spirit in us, we will keep on moving ahead by the power of His love spiritually in all realms and dominion even when we are feeling naturally perplexed, weary and tired. The movement of love is a movement of ultimate power and no power can stand in our way as long as God as love indwells in us and we indwell in Him as offsprings of Christ. The power of love is unfailing and by grace of love we cannot fail. Therefore, as long as we remain in oneness with God who is love, we are guaranteed to remain more than conquerors and endlessly successful in all our life endeavours and assignment. 

If it is ordained by God, then it is by His power of love, holy authority and dominion already made possible for you to achieve and manifest in the natural no matter how impossible looking it might seem visibly. For with God and by His power of love, nothing indeed shall be impossible. 

Your trust in God's love can never let you down. The situation may seem as if He does not care or that, He has abandoned you. But if you fix your eyes on Christ then you will clearly see that He cares more than you can ever comprehended. If indeed Christ died for you whilst you are yet in sin and an enemy of God, how much more is God now prepared to do for you now that you are alive in Christ and a son unto God through Christ? (John 1:12). God called you into His sonship dominion in Christ so you can keep on moving by His power of faith and love and never crippled by fear. Therefore, arise daily in Christly Sonship dominion and keep on moving in the line of faith as ordained for you by God. Evidence your faith in God by trusting Him daily and remain always submissive to the holy Will of Christ who is God's love revealed.  Keep marching ahead to the eternal life Promised Land and don't look back to Egypt. Stand daily by the Word of God and remain in all circumstances full of hope of success no matter the negative outlook of the natural picture. I pray that by grace of God, we will never be confined by emotions from fulfilling our assignments in Jesus mighty name.  Amen. 

Hebrews 12:1-3

​ "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 

For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."

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Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.