When Praises Go Up Blessings Comes Down Sermonette
Worshipping God is not a ritualistic event. It is an expression of His holiness and righteous presence in us. Only the living can worship God and the living worship God not in a state of unconsciousness but in conscious spirit and truth. And when our worship goes up to God, His blessings comes pouring down on us. I hope you will be inspired by this sermonette on worship and be stirred to worship God daily in spirit and in truth. Amen.
Pastor Olabisi
Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.
She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.
Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.