
God's Justice System Uncovered Part 1

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God's Justice System Uncovered Part 1

Understanding God's justice system from His own divine perspective is our only means of articulating the awesomeness of His love for us. The whole essence of this to part series is to hight the equitable and just justice of God from His own divine perspective.

I hope that as you listen, you will be encouraged daily to put your entire trust in His unfailing justice and inspired at all times to surrender your will to His will for your life.


Read 2164 times Last modified on 07.10.2017
Pastor Olabisi

Pastor Olabisi was a mother, Senior Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet,Teacher, Psalmist, Author, Writer, Publisher and a Housing Practitioner.

She set up Encouraged by God as a means of encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christians everywhere.


Lived and died in Christ, 06 October 2016, aged 49 years old.