
Pray For Good Success

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Pray For Good Success

Heavenly Father:

With my head bowed to Your sovereign authority and with my knees bowed to Your holy dominion in all dimensional dominion realms, I pray for good success in all areas of my life. I pray, oh LORD, that You will enable me daily by Your dominion, power and authority to remain obedient to Your holy commandments so that I can continue to prosper and be of good success. I pray for good success in regards to all that you have placed in my care. I commit my heart, spirit, soul, body and mind to you. I pray LORD that you will always use me to manifest Your kingdom glory and that you will give me good success in all realms and dominion.

I pray for good success concerning my finances. Guide me oh LORD to always make the right judgement in regards to all financial matters. Enable me, oh LORD to always make prudent financial decisions. Activate and implement oh LORD Your wealth generation plans in my life so that I can be well positioned to finance Your kingdom advancement work. Save me from taking the wrong financial turnings in life and lead me daily to reason in alignment with Your Will for my life. Help me to rise above all time-wasting desires of the flesh and let Your spiritual success plan for my life be the only plan that will be implemented in my life.

I pray for good success for the entire purpose You have destined for my life. I commit all the kingdom ventures You have laid in my heart into Your holy hands. I pray LORD that by Your divine power and holy authority, success shall not elude me in any of them. Teach me, oh LORD the way to go and guide me to always succeed in all that You have appointed me to do in life. Uproot from my mind any ideas, intended by the enemy to frustrate me. Fill me up daily with Your heavenly ideas and clear my mind from every thought that is not in alignment with Your divine holy Will for my life.

I surrender all ventures, tasks and purpose into Your capable hands oh LORD my God and I pray for good success concerning them all. Grant me daily Your knowledge and wisdom to succeed in all aspect and equip me to be prudent and diligent in my decision makings. Destroy with Your Holy Ghost fire every Vulture, grasshopper or cankerworm spirit that might be attempting to devour my seeds of harvest. Remove from my path every thorn of failure and order my steps daily to follow Your pathway of success for my life to the very end.

I pray for good success in all my decision making. Let my decisions oh LORD always be in alignment with Your perfect decisions for my life. Make a way for me oh LORD where there seem to be no way and help me to avoid making decisions out of fear, worry or panic. Help me to avoid wastage of the resources You have placed in my care and equip me oh LORD to appropriately plan and effectively redeem my time in line with Your eternal Will for my soul. Save me daily oh LORD my God from following and yielding to wrong advice and bless me daily with Your divine holy counsel. Remove every obstacle from my path of success and light my path with Your visionary light, so that I can see clearly the way forward to fulfil Your vision mandate for my life.

I pray for good success in all my coming and going. Enable and encourage me daily oh LORD to be faithfully committed to Your kingdom advancement business. Focus my attention on You and let me understand Your instructions for my life. I pray oh LORD that you will bless me with good success in all circumstances and situations of my life. Empower me daily oh LORD to trust You in all situation and circumstances. Protect all that You have placed in my hands from falling into the hands of spiritual arm robbers and thieves. Give me the confidence and boldness to always carry out Your instructions and help me oh LORD to be always obedient towards You and to avoid sinning against You in any manner, form or shape.

I pray for good success for the ministry objectives you have mandated for my life. I pray that You will by Your divine grace and mercy, make me all that You desire for me to be. I place all that You have mandated for my life in Your divine care. I ask oh LORD that You buttress my efforts and that You prosper the work of my hand with Your divine power of blessings. Breathe oh LORD Your breath of life on the work of my hands and let me always be in remembrance of Your permanent success wishes and plans for my soul irrespective of any natural situation that I can possibility find myself in. Anoint my head daily oh LORD with Your anointing oil of success and equip me in all aspect to always manifest Your kingdom glory oh King of glory.

I pray oh LORD that You will daily favour and bless me to always succeed in all Your mandated purpose for my life. Purge me daily oh LORD from all unrighteousness thoughts and fill my mind with Your righteousness thoughts and ideas of good success. Sanctify my heart and purify my mind daily oh LORD, so that I can continually reason in alignment with Your good wishes and perfect desires for my life. Make me oh LORD, a perfect harvester of souls for your kingdom. Let me always be desirous of obeying Your holy commandments so, that I will continually be of good success according to Your divine Will for my soul.

Open wide oh LORD Your divine door of success in my life and let the successful outcome that You have already finalised for my soul in the spirit realm be manifested in the natural realm for all eyes to see it to Your glory and honour. Oh LORD, I pray this prayer for good success in total submission to Your righteousness dominion and with a heart filled with appreciation of Your loving kindness and perfect Will for my entire being. I pray oh LORD that You will continually be my daily Inspiration, Motivator and divine Counsellor oh LORD my God. I pray that Your desires for my life will always be the guiding principle for all my decision making.

You are oh LORD my everything and in You alone do I have a realistic hope of eternal success. Keep me firmly in the straight path of Your righteous success and give me the daily grace oh LORD to keep marching forward and never looking back to the world. Enrich me daily with the understanding of Your Word and let Your wisdom always have its way in my life. Direct me oh LORD to daily do all that pleases You. Let Your promises oh LORD activate a living hope in me daily. Let Your comforting love for me keep me afloat of the stagnating effects of disappointments.

Enable me oh King of glory to daily rise above every emotional feeling of the outer man. Let Your Word be my guide and visionary lamp. Let your commandments be my desire to obey. Let my trust be in Your power. Let my faith be full in You. Let my days be spent as You have ordained it. Let my ways honour and glorify You. Let my thoughts please and reverence You. Let my desires be in alignment with Your Will. Let Your joy be my strength. Let Your peace rule my mind. Let Your rest fill my soul.

Glorify Yourself in every aspect of my life oh LORD my God. Let Your praise never depart from my mouth. Let my worship be a living and acceptable sacrifice unto You always. Let my spirit continually remain in the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Let me prosper and have good success in all of my endeavours according to Your divine Will and purpose for my life. Let Your grace and mercy continually rest and abide with me from now to eternity. In Jesus mighty name I have prayed this prayer for good success. Amen.

Pray Against Sickness

Pray Against Sickness

Published in Articles

Pray against Sickness!

Heavenly Father,

I pray against sickness and I exercise your dominion authority over every spirit of infirmity. I nullify every wicked dart of sicknesses and illnesses that the enemy can possibility use to attack me in any form or shape. I pray against sickness, and I destroy any sickness plan the enemy could possibly have against me. I decree and declare that no weapon of sickness or illnesses fashioned or formed against me by any spirit of infirmity shall prosper.


Fear Not

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Fear Not and arm yourself daily with the sheild of faith in Christ! Faith is all about reacting to natural situations in a fearless supernatural manner. Fear is all about reacting to natural situation in a predictable fearful natural manner. Fear is inevitable when we walk by sight. In order for us to walk by faith, we must hold on to Jesus every day. When we walk by faith we see God’s presence and His solutions for us in the midst of problems. However, when we walk by fear, all we see is ourselves in isolation going through it all alone without God.

Faith is to do with believing the Word of God as wholesome truth and evidencing our believe through relying on it without wavering. We need to believe and rely on God's Word in order for us to be able to reject evidence of fear as nothing but false evidence appearing as real. Faith basically enables, but fear cripples. We need faith in order for us to keep trusting in the supernatural working power of God in our lives and to keep believing in it as truthfully working everything together for our good irrespective of how negative or daunting our natural circumstances or situation. We need faith in order for us to remain obedient to God and serve Him diligently in all things. We need faith in order for us to remain fervently prayerful and continually worship God in spirit and in truth no matter our natural circumstances. Our victory in all situations from start to finish is indeed assured by us believing and having faith in the Word of God!

The Word, power and authority of God made flesh is Christ Jesus (John 1:1-14). Christ as God's Word made flesh is the Spirit of truth, love and life itself. And all we need to do in order for us to remain consistently victorious over Satan who is the spirit of; lies, hatred and death: is continually surrender our all to Christ who as Spirit of truth, is the author and finisher of our faith.

Whatsoever circumstances you might be going through today as a redeemed of Christ, fear not! Don’t be deceived by Satan's fearful tactics or by his lies that you are going through it all alone. God never leaves nor forsake His redeemed and He is always faithful to make a way for us where there seem to be no way. Shut down the gateway of fear and magnify the LORD today with your riotous praise and worship. Fix your eyes on Christ and be rest assured of victory in all circumstances through the effectual working of the power and authority that is in the name of Christ Jesus. No matter your situation or circumstances, call upon the name of Jesus and believe without wavering, that you are by the holy authority of His name destined to always win unfailingly. The presence of Christ in your life is all you need to overcome the spirit of fear. When the spirit of fear, which is the devil sees that you are fully surrendered to Christ who is the author and finisher of faith, the devil will surely bow in defeat in all circumstances and he can never succeed in crippling you!

Live daily by faith and not by sight. Irrespective of how daunting or impossible the situational outlook of the natural situation you find yourself in, keep holding on to Jesus every day and never let go of your faith in Christ. Jesus Christ as the author and finisher of our faith has the power to change your circumstances and bring you out of any situation you are in full of His might and strength to the glory of the Father. Therefore, fear not for as long as Christ is in the boat with you, your life boat can never capsize no matter how heavy the storm!

I pray the spirit of fear will never have its way in your and that you will by God's grace through your faith in Christ Jesus reach His predestined destination of glory for your life in Jesus's mighty name. Amen.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight". ~2 Corinthians 5:7

Have a blessed day!



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Rejoice in the LORD oh ye His Redeemed! The time realm is subject to the control of the infinite God, and God in His timeless existence directs all things in all realms to work together for the good of His redeemed in Christ. Today, whatsoever you are facing in this realm of time, remember time exist for the perfection of your eternal existence. The temporary things you are facing in time realm are not for the detriment of your soul, but for the perfection of your spirit man for eternal life abiding with the Ancient of Days. The timeless God sees all the struggles that you are facing in this falling world time realm, and by grace of His perfect finished work through the Person of Christ, time can only work for your good as a redeemed in Christ and not against you.

The LORD God Almighty is on your side and not against you and His thoughts towards you are of goodness and not evil (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28-31). Do not despair in your trials, for your trials are only for a momentary period, and the endless eternal glory, which awaits you in Christ shall make your endurance and perseverance in your trials all worth your while (Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Submit to the Holy Spirit daily for the completion of your regeneration process. Let His perfect Will be done in your life daily for the eternal goodness of your soul.

Keep your eyes fixed daily on Christ the Ancient of Days (Hebrews 12:1-2). He exists before time. He came before your time to complete the work of your salvation on the cross of Calvary. He knows where you are right now in your journey through time. He is in charge of everything both in time and in timelessness dimension. He is the author and finisher of your faith. He is the author and shaper of your destiny. He has written the story of your life before time began. He ensured you ended with Him in time for eternal life abiding with Him. He knows your name and He understands you more than you can even begin to articulate. He is your Saviour and Redeemer. He is the same yesterday, today and for ever (Hebrews 13:8). He is with you in your daily journey as your good Shepherd (John 10:14-16). He is as the Bishop of our souls our eternal light of life and our everlasting hope of glory (John 8:12, 1 Peter 2:25).

As the Ancient of Days and King of kings, Christ Jesus our holy Redeemer controls the affairs of time from His timeless dimension. His plans never fails because He has made them ahead of time. He is the behind the scene Divine Director of your life. And He has written the script concerning your life to end happily for His timeless glory sake and not in tragedy. He is worthy to be trusted, praised and thanked.

Today, oh ye redeemed of the LORD. Arise! Give thank to the Ancient of Days and praise His holy name. Rejoice and enjoy the day, for this is a day our LORD has made for you to be gladdened and rejoice in His presence.

Rejoice! Rejoice and rejoice. For the LORD is good and the infinite joy of our timeless God is forever our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Amen.

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.” ~Isaiah 61:10-11

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." ~Jeremiah 29:11


Holiness Is of God

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Holiness Is of God. No one is entitled to be called 'His Holiness' except the LORD God Almighty. In the Old Testament of the Bible God gave several laws to Isreal His chosen nation as representatives of mankind. But, they were unable to fulfil the entire laws of God and they repeatedly backslide and sinned against God simply because by nature man is sinful. God of course foreknew that man will fall into sin and that man in the fall into sin will be unable to meet His standard of holiness independently of Him and reconcile back to His Holy Spirit without His divine intervention. Therefore, God from the very beginning in His foreknowledge intended to make us holy and acceptable unto Him eternally not by the Old Testament sacrificial system or by laws written on tablet stones, but through a new covenant blood relationship sealed by the remission blood of Christ Jesus (Jeremiah 31:31-33, Revelation 13:8).

Our sinful nature, which is impossible for us to get rid of independent of God's remission intervention was the main barrier in the way of man reconciling with God's Holy Spirit to have and enjoy an eternal life relationship of peace, rest and joy with Him. God as our Maker is entirely sovereignly independently divinely righteous and holy because of who He is. And if God will only grant man relationship access to His Holy Spirit if man is sinless and holy just as He is, then unless God who is His HOLINESS in itself intervenes for us to enable us meet His holiness standards, it will be impossible for us as mankind to get rid of the first Adamic man sinful nature that we all acquiesced in let alone attain God's holiness standard independently of His Holy Spirit (Romans 3:19-31).

God's divine remission intervention for mankind came in the Person of Christ. Through Christ's finished work of remission on the cross, God paved the way for us as mankind to completely do away with our sinful nature and fully adopt His perfect holy nature. Christ through His remission work on the cross crucified the corporate body of the sinful natured flesh and in so doing, He once and for all paved the way for us to have forgiveness of our sins from God, reconcile back with His Holy Spirit and have a sinless relationship with God our Maker and heavenly Father. As a result of Christ's complete remission works we are now able to:

1. Do away with our sinful nature when we repent from sins and adopt God's own holy and perfect righteous sinless nature from the sinless Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)

2. Have access to God's Holy Spirit and have a sinless peaceful covenant relationship with Him (Romans 5:1-5)

3. Obey God's laws, which is all about divine love through the power of obedience we receive from Christ (Matthew 22:35-40, Romans 1:1-5).

4. Fulfil God's primary purpose for creating us, which is to worship Him eternally as our God, Creator and Maker in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24).

5. Exercise dominion over sin, evil powers and the wicked principalities forces of this world who are the primary agents of sins (Romans 6:6-23, Ephesians 6:10-12).

6. See and enter God's kingdom through our new birth in Christ (John 3:1-8).

7. Be free from condemnation of sins, live unto God in newness of spirit with a lively hope of eternal life and no longer live unto sin indebted to consequences of sin, which is death (John 1:12, Romans 6:23 & 8:1-17, Galatians 2:19-21).

Christ Jesus as the fulfiller of all Old Testament remission laws remains man's only means of receiving forgiveness for sins and reconciling with God (Romans 10:1-4). Choosing to surrender your life to Christ therefore is not just a choice of a religious ideology amidst the several religious ideologies in the world that are considered to be of equal standing in promoting the attainment of God's holiness and righteousness standards. Instead, choosing to surrender your all to Christ, is in fact a choice of God's holiness in itself and a departure from devil's nature of sinfulness. This choice is not by force. It is a choice we must all make by willingly surrendering our entire being unto God through Christ and not by any forceful means.

If your desire is to avoid the eternal consequences of sin, which is eternal death, and have eternal life in God's kingdom, then as it is written, your only chance of realistically realising your desire is by fulfilling God's holiness standard through Christ. God's holiness standards requirement is not discretionary. It is a mandatory requirement we must all fulfil if we are to end up in His eternal life kingdom. God will not allow an ungodly or an unholy spirit to enter His holy kingdom to have benefits and rewards of eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:50). And none can ever meet God's holiness standards requirement through vain religious practices or by independent works of so called righteousness. Our only means of entering God's kingdom and receiving from Him the everlasting rewards of eternal life is by meeting His holiness and righteousness standard through His own only divinely approved way, which is Christ Jesus.

Holiness is of God and holiness, which is of God is God's very own divine sinlessness standard. Therefore, it is impossible for man to attain it through any naturalistic centred religious prescription no matter how heavy the dosage is. Holiness is only possible through us reconciling with God's Holy Spirit who as holiness itself is the only one that can make us holy! Christ Jesus as the manifested body of holiness and righteousness of God is the only divinely approved sinless body given to us by God to enable us reconcile back to His Holy Spirit and meet His divine sinlessness, holiness and righteousness standard. Outside of Christ therefore, none in the eyes of God can ever be sinless, righteous and holy just as God is holy let alone have a legitimate lively hope of spending eternal life in the holy kingdom of the Almighty God who is forever and ever: Holy, Holy and Holy.

Jesus Christ is calling you today! Not into a religion, but to enter into a sinless, righteousness and holy relationship with the LORD God Almighty who as is His HOLINESS itself is: our Saviour, Redeemer, eternal Rock of Ages, KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.

Stop wasting your time labouring in carnal vain religious practices, which profits your soul nothing. Come out of sinfulness into God's holiness by accepting Jesus's holy calling upon your life today if you are yet to!

1 Peter 1:2-5

"Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

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